November 27, 2013
September 20, 2013
BIOMAB is raising funds for the making of the film "Fabrica Vitae, reflecting on the Fabric of Life" on Kickstarter.
Dear All ,
We are in the process of looking for funding towards the making of our Vesalius film. Since we have placed it on Kickstarter, we have already got 2 backers in 2 days!! So it's going well!
Please have a look at our trailer and we would be very grateful for any support however great or small, please feel free to share with your contacts and Vesalius friends .
With thanks and all best wishes,
Pascale Pollier-Green, artem-medicalis, 20 Sep 2013
Deadline pledging: 15 October 2014
"Genius lives on, all else is mortal."
Unique visions on the future of humanity and the hitherto “organic carbon man”
In 2014, five hundred years after the birth of Andreas Vesalius, the founder of modern anatomy, we propose to create a film that will show how the legacy of Vesalius is still challenging new generations of artists and scientists to create groundbreaking work.
A group of contemporary, brilliant scientists and innovative artists will be questioned about their work and what they perceive the future of “humanity and the physical human body” to be.
It will be fascinating to record their unique visions of man’s mortality, decay and death.
Along with the ecorches of the 'Fabrica', the exploration and 'dissection' of these pioneering minds will be the backbone of this documentary.
The film will glorify the wonder of corporal anatomy as we know it and will ponder upon the revolutionary technological physical enhancements which have transformed and will further change the future of the hitherto “organic carbon man”.
The speakers in this documentary share an intense passion to understand the physical body and in their research often push against the boundaries of our knowledge and social acceptance. They experiment with the crossover between art and science to create innovative ideas and deserve to be heralded, like Vesalius, as brave and great pioneers.
Your support will be used initially for a traveling fund to interview pioneers in the field of Art and Science.
We will need more funding to finalize the film, as the money from kickstarter will be used as a travel fund, we still need to find the funds for production. We only have one year left to make this film as September 2014 is our ultimate deadline.
The film will be shown during the Vesalius conference at Zakynthos Greece.
We are very passionate about making this film and are confident we will raise the money and meet the deadline, we just need your help to get enough funding to kickstart the film and get it rolling. This initial funding will enable the team (2 film makers, and a biomedical artist as interviewer) to travel internationally to meet and film the artists and scientists.
We estimate the total cost of the film will be in the region of 30,000 GBP.
£20 or more : a thank you Fabrica Vitae Vesalius post card
Estimated delivery: Nov 2013
Add £1 to ship outside the UK
£50 or more: a DVD copy of the film
Estimated delivery: Sep 2014
Add £6 to ship outside the UK
£100 or more : a DVD copy of the film and a Vesalius T shirt
Estimated delivery: Sep 2014
Add £10 to ship outside the UK
£500 or more - Limited (6): a DVD copy of the film and a Vesalius T shirt a
mention of your name in the credits
Estimated delivery: Sep 2014
Add £10 to ship outside the UK
£1,000 or more - Limited (3): a DVD copy
of the film and a Vesalius T shirt a mention of your name in the credits, a
mention of your name and company on the Vesalius website
Estimated delivery: Sep 2014
Add £10 to ship outside the UK
August 4, 2013
4th Medical Art Meeting and Exhibition Antwerp Medical Days 2013
Part of: International ART RESEARCHES SCIENCE Program
Biological and Medical Art in Belgium - BIOMAB
Royal Association of Physicians of Antwerp - KARVA
Pascale Pollier-Green, biomedical artist and president BIOMAB
Ann Van De Velde, hematologist (UZA/BIOMAB)
Francis Van Glabbeek, orthopedic surgeon (UZA/BIOMAB)
Andreas Vesalius staat immers als grote 16de eeuwse anatoom aan de basis van de hedendaagse en de toekomstige kennis van het menselijk lichaam en de urgentiegeneeskunde."
12 Sep 2013: Academic session "Emergency Medicine - A Brave New World" and unveiling of the Vesalius facial reconstruction cast at the Antwerp Medical Days 2013 in Building Q, Campus Three Oaks, University of Antwerp (BE).
Biological and Medical Art in Belgium - BIOMAB
Royal Association of Physicians of Antwerp - KARVA
Pascale Pollier-Green, biomedical artist and president BIOMAB
Ann Van De Velde, hematologist (UZA/BIOMAB)
Francis Van Glabbeek, orthopedic surgeon (UZA/BIOMAB)
(Dutch tekst): "In de aanloop naar het Vesaliusjaar 2014 zal BIOMAB hier op deze jaarlijkse tentoonstelling van het internationale ART RESEARCHES SCIENCE Programma veel aandacht geven aan haar gedreven zoektocht naar het graf van Andreas Vesalius op het Griekse eiland Zakynthos.
Voor het eerst zullen aan de Antwerpse artsen de ontwerpplannen van het nieuwe grote Belgische Vesaliusmonument op Zakynthos getoond worden. En krijgen deelnemers van de GDA2013 de primeur om te kunnen intekenen voor een waardevol kunstwerk: een nauwkeurige weergave van een gedisseceerd Vesaliushoofd, cruciaal onderdeel van het levensgrote spiermanmonument en binnenkort in zeer beperkte oplages in brons te koop aangeboden. Een uniek hedendaags kunstwerk dat hier op de tentoonstelling in gietsteen getoond wordt en dat in brons in menig artsenpraktijk en Belgische universiteit haar plaats zal vinden!
Voor het eerst zullen aan de Antwerpse artsen de ontwerpplannen van het nieuwe grote Belgische Vesaliusmonument op Zakynthos getoond worden. En krijgen deelnemers van de GDA2013 de primeur om te kunnen intekenen voor een waardevol kunstwerk: een nauwkeurige weergave van een gedisseceerd Vesaliushoofd, cruciaal onderdeel van het levensgrote spiermanmonument en binnenkort in zeer beperkte oplages in brons te koop aangeboden. Een uniek hedendaags kunstwerk dat hier op de tentoonstelling in gietsteen getoond wordt en dat in brons in menig artsenpraktijk en Belgische universiteit haar plaats zal vinden!
Andreas Vesalius staat immers als grote 16de eeuwse anatoom aan de basis van de hedendaagse en de toekomstige kennis van het menselijk lichaam en de urgentiegeneeskunde."
12 Sep 2013: Academic session "Emergency Medicine - A Brave New World" and unveiling of the Vesalius facial reconstruction cast at the Antwerp Medical Days 2013 in Building Q, Campus Three Oaks, University of Antwerp (BE).
The new monument and facial reconstruction
There is an existing monument at Laganas Beach on Zakynthos. Belgium erected this monument in 1965. The inscription reads: “To the memory of Andreas Bezal, the great Belgian anatomist, who died on Zakynthos, 1564. The association of graduates of the highest faculties of the University of Belgium.”
We have put forward proposals for a new monument, of an écorché or flayed man (based on one of the écorché’s in Vesalius’ De Humani Corporis Fabrica) who is holding a head which is a half portrait and half facial reconstruction of Vesalius himself. If we are unsuccessful in finding the skull we will work from known images of Vesalius and perform an ‘inside out’ facial reconstruction…or should we say ‘outside in’.
Pascale Pollier plans to make this work in collaboration with facial reconstruction expert Richard Neave, who is the founder of the Manchester method of Facial Reconstruction ( The resulting sculpture will be cast in a lasting material and will be a fitting tribute to the great anatomist. This monument will be placed on a plinth, made by sculptor Chantal Pollier, in Zakynthos (the exact position has yet to be confirmed) and hopefully further casts will be placed at other sites in other locations important to the memory of Vesalius. To fund this monument they have made several bronze casts of the original half reconstruction/ half portrait head of Vesalius and these bronzes will be given to sponsors who donate towards the new monument.
For information on how to contribute and obtain a bronze cast of this portrait send a mail to:
For information on how to contribute and obtain a bronze cast of this portrait send a mail to:
July 7, 2013
Workshop on Vascular Corrosion Casting - 28 Aug 2013
The Department of Veterinary Sciences, Applied Veterinary Morphology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biochemical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp
kindly invites you to a symposium and workshop on vascular corrosion casting in biomedical research.
Vascular corrosion casts not only represent beautiful models to study vascular anatomy, they have also been of major value in many biomedical investigations.
A selection of studies in which vascular corrosion casts were used will be presented on Wednesday the 28th of Augustus 2013. In the afternoon, participants can learn how to prepare a vascular corrosion cast during the hands-on workshop. Please confirm your attendance by replying to this announcement by email.
Contact information:
Prof. dr. Christophe Casteleyn, DVM, MScLAS, PhDApplied Veterinary Morphology,Department of Veterinary Sciences,Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biochemical and Veterinary Sciences,University of AntwerpUniversiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
Tel: (+32) (0)3 265 28 21Fax: (+32) (0)3 265 24 33
Pictures click here
March 26, 2013
Journée d'étude "De La Dissection - Ouvrir pour comprendre"
Linaria vulgaris L., La Linaire commune Scrophulariaceae, R. Brendel n° 110.
Collections de la Faculté des Sciences de la Vie, Université de Strasbourg
Photographie Alain Kaiser – Graphisme Frédéric Triton
Dans le cadre du programme de recherche « Didactique tangible », l’atelier de Didactique visuelle de la Haute école du Rhin organise une journée d’étude : « De la dissection », le 12 avril 2013 de 9 h à 17 h à l’auditorium de la HEAR, au 1 rue de l’académie à Strasbourg.
Des invités internationaux (français, anglais, belges et suisses) viendront partager leurs expériences et leurs points de vue autour de cette thématique envisagée en tant que telle (histoire et actualité de la dissection comme pratique d’enseignement de l’anatomie, enjeux contemporains de la dissection publique, place de l’étude du corps dans notre société), mais aussi comme un protocole d’investigation et d’analyse propre à une démarche didactique (associant en particulier les graphistes du studio suisse 1kilo qui présenteront leur travail).
9h – 12h
Olivier Poncer – Yvan Freund
Ouverture de la journée
Stavros Lazaris
De la dissection animale à la dissection humaine dans l’antiquité
Martial Guédron
L’enseignement de l’anatomie artistique en France et la question de la dissection
Pascale Pollier–Green – Anne Van de Velde – Francis Van Glabbeek
Dissection drawing sessions – Looking for the inside
BIOMAB – “Art researches Siences”
14h – 17h
Stéphane Velut
Vésale et la dissection du cerveau
Studio 1kilo
Données à voir
Le programme détaillé de cette journée est à télécharger ici.
Collections de la Faculté des Sciences de la Vie, Université de Strasbourg
Photographie Alain Kaiser – Graphisme Frédéric Triton
Dans le cadre du programme de recherche « Didactique tangible », l’atelier de Didactique visuelle de la Haute école du Rhin organise une journée d’étude : « De la dissection », le 12 avril 2013 de 9 h à 17 h à l’auditorium de la HEAR, au 1 rue de l’académie à Strasbourg.
Des invités internationaux (français, anglais, belges et suisses) viendront partager leurs expériences et leurs points de vue autour de cette thématique envisagée en tant que telle (histoire et actualité de la dissection comme pratique d’enseignement de l’anatomie, enjeux contemporains de la dissection publique, place de l’étude du corps dans notre société), mais aussi comme un protocole d’investigation et d’analyse propre à une démarche didactique (associant en particulier les graphistes du studio suisse 1kilo qui présenteront leur travail).
9h – 12h
Olivier Poncer – Yvan Freund
Ouverture de la journée
Stavros Lazaris
De la dissection animale à la dissection humaine dans l’antiquité
Martial Guédron
L’enseignement de l’anatomie artistique en France et la question de la dissection
Pascale Pollier–Green – Anne Van de Velde – Francis Van Glabbeek
Dissection drawing sessions – Looking for the inside
BIOMAB – “Art researches Siences”
14h – 17h
Stéphane Velut
Vésale et la dissection du cerveau
Studio 1kilo
Données à voir
Le programme détaillé de cette journée est à télécharger ici.
March 11, 2013
Medical Art Work 6th ARS D³
Hand Dissection II by Lisa Temple-Cox, 2013
Hand Dissection I by Lisa Temple-Cox, 2013
Skull over Acupuncture Points of the Head by Lisa Temple-Cox, 2013
January 19, 2013
6th ARS Dissection Drawing Session
For Medical Art Work at the 6th ARS D³ click here
A new Dissection Drawing Session is organised on Friday 8 March (Ghent = NEW!) and Saturday 9 March 2013 (Antwerp) as part of the international ART RESEARCHES SCIENCE Program.
Specialists in animal (NEW!) and human anatomy will dissect and explain in close detail an upper and lower arm (deep frozen and thawed), an upper and lower leg (deep frozen and thawed), a full brain, a heart with its coronary vessels and two lungs with their network of bronchi,…There will be many moments to ask questions, to draw, to paint, to dissect and to reflect and communicate on the enormously beautiful but also very fragile human body.
There are not really any easels available, as it is a dissection room, but there are some tables, and some angle poised lights, and it is pretty bright in there in general. You can bring sketchbooks, large paper, small paper, watercolors, ink, pencils , whichever you prefer to work with. Some people work in biro or felt tip pen and have some beautiful results, so it's entirely up to you. The idea is to make some quick sketches at first , and get used to the atmosphere, we have a whole day there, firstly most people just look while the medical students and anatomists dissect, and then once the dissection has been brought to a point where people would like to sit down and draw, it is then placed on a stand so people can make more detailed drawings.
As this is a growing international art event, an overview exhibition and publication of the large amount of art work that has been produced and will be created will be organized in 2014, the 500th birthday year of the great anatomist Andreas Vesalius.
On behalf of the international and local organizing committees of these Dissection Drawing Sessions, BIOMAB vzw, we would like to ask all participants of today and of former marathons to contact their local program director and/or the Belgian organizers, to bring their final art work or a digital copy to Antwerp or sent the work in high resolution format afterwards to: jellenicolai[at]
We'll have a welcome reception on Thursday 7 March 2013 at the Hostel Uppelink in Ghent. Starts at 19h00. Please contact us if you like to attend this meeting free of charge.
The Event Hostel in Ghent is the Hostel Uppelink. It's in the city centre with lots of possibilities for going out in the evening and public transportation to go to the University Campus in Ghent.
The Event Hostel in Antwerp is the Antwerp Central Hostel (Pulcinella). It's in the city centre with lots of possibilities for going out in the evening and public transportation to go to the University Campus in Antwerp.
Dinner on Friday 8 March 2013 is planned in Pizza Gök II, Sleepstraat 65, Ghent. Starts at 19h45. Please contact us if you like to attend this dinner. Afterwards we'll go for a drink in the historic centre of Ghent.
We'll travel by train from Ghent Sint-Pieters Station to Antwerp Central Station on Saturday morning at 08h30, take bus 17 at 09h44 to the University Campus were we'll arrive at 10h15 and walk 5 min to the Dissection Room.
Dinner on Saturday 9 March 2013 is planned in restaurant De 7 Schaken, Braderijstraat 24, 2000 Antwerpen (next to town hall) at 20h00 . Please contact us if you like to attend this dinner. After we 'll have had a reviewing of the art work made during the two days we'll go for a drink in the historic centre of Antwerp.
Costs (to be paid in cash on 8 or 9 March 2013 in the Anatomical Theatres)
° Dissection only: 20,00 euro (2-days use of the Anatomical Theatres in Ghent and Antwerp - lectures by dedicated and higly experienced staff members - sandwich lunch included).
° 3-nights-accomodation (shared bedroom - twin or bunk beds - breakfast included): 30,00 euro
° Dissection + 3-nights-accomodation: 50,00 euro
Extra costs (to be paid in the restaurant)
° 2 dinners: approximately 20,00 euro pp per dinner - drinks not included
(NB: Due to this student-based fee with a much apreciated travel grant by the University Hospital of Antwerp (normal price for accomodation would be 75,00 euro pp for 3 nights), there is no price reduction if you decide to follow only 1 dissection day, or book only 1 or 2 nights hotel accomodation.)
Registration for this 6th ARS Dissection Drawing Session is CLOSED.
For more information and your registration[at]
We wish all attendants very promising and inspiring dissecting and drawing days and a lovely stay in Ghent and Antwerp!
Ann Van de Velde
Pascale Pollier
Francis Van Glabbeek
Picture @ Antwerp

Picture @ Ghent
Practical data and location
- Friday, March 8, 2013 - Time: 10:00 am – 05:00 pm
Location: Universiteit Gent - Ghent University, Department of Morphology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Salisburylaan 133, Merelbeke. Route Description
- Saturday, March 9, 2013 - Time: 10:00 am - 05:00 pm
Location: Universiteit Antwerpen – Antwerp University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Campus Drie Eiken, Building TA, Dissection Room, Universiteitsplein 1, Wilrijk (Antwerp). Route Description
International Organisation - ART RESEARCHES SCIENCE
VAN GLABBEEK Francis (B) - BIOMAB & University of Antwerp - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
[CRAS Patrick (B) - University of Antwerp - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences]
[VAN SCHIL Paul (B) - University of Antwerp - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences]
POLLIER Pascale (B) - President BIOMAB
VAN DE VELDE Ann (B) - BIOMAB & University of Antwerp - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
FREUND Yvan (F) - Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg
CROOK Eleanor (UK) - London, Royal College of Art and University of the Arts MA Art & Science course
CAMERON Jo (UK) - Medical Artists' Education Trust
[WILKINSON Caroline (UK) - University of Dundee, MSc Program in Forensic Art]
HÜBNER Caroline (B) - BIOMAB member
Local Organisation in Ghent
DOOM Marjan (B)
POLLIER Chantal (B)
Local Organisation in Antwerp
Editor Book 5 years Dissection Sessions
University of Antwerp - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (B)
Lecturer: VAN GLABBEEK Francis (B)
Lecturer: VAN DE VELDE Ann (B)
Prosector: MALAN David (B)
PhD Student: GIELIS Jan (B)
University of Ghent - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (B)
Anatomist: DOOM Marjan (B)
Anatomist: VANDENBROECK Martine (B)
Anatomist: SIMOENS Paul (B)
Lecturer: VAN HAM Luc (B)
Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (B)
Lecturer: VAN EECKHOUT Geert (B)
COUSIN Sarah-Ann (B)
GYBELS Nathalie (B)
MOERMAN Annelore (B)
OCLOO Gorges
KASK Ghent (B)
Lecturer: CLARISSE Geert (B)
CLAUS Ines (B)
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg (F)
Lecturer: FREUND Yvan (F)
GUITARD Aliciane (F)
GAND Daisy (F)
University of Dundee, MSc Program in Forensic Art (UK)
Lecturer, MSc Medical Art: ROUGHLY Mark (UK)
Medical Art graduate: BALLANTYNE Laurie (UK)
London, Royal College of Art and University of the Arts MA Art & Science course (UK)
Lecturer: CROOK Eleanor (UK)
TAYLOR Rachel (UK)
NAGEL Tamsin (UK)
ALLEN Rebecca (UK)
KIM Yeni (UK)
MARTIN Roseanna (UK)
PECK Landon (UK)
MARTIN Roseanna (UK)
PECK Landon (UK)
Medical Artists' Education Trust (UK)
Lecturer: CAMERON Jo (UK)
CORRA Francesca (UK)
GRANE Isabel (UK)
MUNDAY Danial (UK)
Independent Artists
Lecturer: POLLIER Pascale (B)
ALLEN Rachael (UK)
DE CORTE Katelijne (B)
DE MOL Harlinde (B)
GEERTS Johan (B)
HÜBNER Caroline (B)
LENK Stefanie (D)
LIU Emerald (B)
NEUFELD Abraham (B)
POLLIER Chantal (B)
RETSIN Anton (B)
SMET Kenneth (B)
Reflections by attendants
Rachael: No words capture the beauty and generosity of that they call BIOMAB - for all who organised and attended the tremendous dissection event (you know who you are) my gratitude and love extends. Being an artist feels good at this moment... and of course this reaches out to the animals and humans who were not harmed in the making...
Abraham: bij deze wil ik u heel hartelijk danken voor de boeiende Ars Dissection Drawing Session. Voor mij de eerste keer, een echte ontdekking! Hoop dat het volgend jaar opnieuw doorgaat, zodra u daar data van heeft hoor ik die graag, dan kunnen we die dagen alvast reserveren. Ik vond alles heel inspirerend, en heb fijne nieuwe contacten opgedaan. Ook mijn dank aan alle de mensen die de dissectie hebben uitgevoerd.
Francis: Was super!
Francis: Was super!
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