the official website of Biological and Medical Art in Belgium


Together with:

University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp / School of Arts - AP University College
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Ghent / School of Arts - University College Ghent
Haute école des arts du Rhin - HEAR, Didactique visuelle (F)
University of the Arts London - UAL (UK)
Medical Artists' Education Trust - MAET (UK)
University of Dundee, Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (UK)

Contact information[at] // artem-medicalis[at]

April 6, 2010

Call for Entries: GDA 2010

16.09.10 - 18.09.10 : Geneeskundige Dagen Antwerpen (GDA)
Al 65 edities lang vormen de Geneeskundige Dagen van Antwerpen een vruchtbare ontmoetingsplaats van meer dan duizend artsen, van talrijke paramedici en van andere personen werkzaam in de medische sector.
Deze dagen worden georganiseerd door de Koninklijke Artsenvereniging van Antwerpen van 16 tot 18 september 2010 op de campus Drie Eiken van de Universiteit Antwerpen.
Het thema luidt: OBESITAS : Van levensstijl tot de nieuwste therapie
Alle kunstvormen zijn toegelaten. Tentoonstellingsruimte: Aula Maior, Campus Drie Eiken UA
Opening van de tentoonstelling op donderdagavond 16 september 2010 na de academische zitting.
16.09.10- 18-09-10 : Medical Days Antwerp
For 65 editions , the Medical Days in Antwerp have been a fertile meeting ground for over 1000 doctors, many paramedics and other professionals working in the medical sector.
These days are organized by the Royal Medical Association of Antwerp from 16 - 18/09/2010 at Campus Drie Eiken at the University of Antwerp
The general theme is OBESITY: from lifestyle to the newest therapies
All art forms accepted, the exhibition will be held at Aula Maior, Campus Drie Eiken UA
The opening of the exhibition is thursday Sept 16th after the academic hearing

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